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Why Testosterone Levels Decline After 40 and How to Combat It Naturally 

Testosterone is often referred to as the “male hormone,” but both men and women produce it. 

When it comes to men, it plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions, including building and maintaining muscle mass, bone density, supporting mood regulation, and sexual health. 

Many believe that with age a reduction in testosterone levels is inevitable, but that’s not entirely true. 

Testosterone levels vary widely among men. Some maintain high levels for decades, while others see a drop as early as in their 20s. Generally, more men experience a decline after age 40, but the rate of change varies greatly and there are some things we can do to mitigate this and its ill effects. 

Before we jump into some tips on preventing the decline and optimising your testosterone levels, let’s first explore how and why these levels are prone to change with age. Let’s uncover why testosterone levels decline after 40. 

Why Testosterone Levels Decline After 40

Why testosterone levels decline after 40

Decreased Testicular Function

Age-related testosterone decline is usually due to a combination of two major changes exacerbated by other factors. 

One of the two main factors is a decrease in testicular function as we age. 

Testosterone, the primary male hormone, is produced within the testes in men by Leydig cells in response to luteinizing hormone (LH) activity. As we age, the number of Leydig cells declines. But also, Leydig cells become less responsive to LH activity the older we get. So naturally, we are able to produce less testosterone. 

Dysregulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis in the Brain

In addition to decreased testicular function, dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis may be the second key culprit behind the decline. 

The hypothalamic-pituitary axis, or HP axis for short, is a vital system that regulates our nervous system, stress responses as well as wider hormonal activity in the body. 

This system consists of the hypothalamus, a small structure of the brain that sits directly above the brainstem and the pituitary gland, often called the Master Gland. 

The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland and can also secrete its own hormones. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH for short, is one of these hormones. 

GnRH travels from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland where it stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH then travels to the testicles where it acts as a catalyst in testosterone production. 

However, as men age, GnRH production may decline as well as the pituitary gland can become less responsive to gonadotropin stimulation and therefore releases less LH. The knock-on effect is reduced testosterone production. 

Lifestyle Factors, Chronic Conditions and Stress 

There may be many reasons behind HP axis dysregulation, but lack of exercise, poor quality sleep and inadequate nutrition can certainly contribute to the dysfunction of this pathway, therefore, affecting natural testosterone production. 

Underlying health conditions like diabetes or sleep apnea can also accelerate the decline in testosterone levels. 

Finally, chronic stress and prolonged elevation of cortisol levels can also inhibit testosterone production. 

All of these factors may contribute to hormonal imbalances and overall deterioration in health, which in turn may negatively impact testosterone production. 

Increased Levels of SHBG (Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin)

As men age, there tends to be an increase in SHBG, a protein that binds to testosterone and reduces its bioavailability. Even though the total amount of testosterone might remain constant or decline slightly, the amount of free or active testosterone decreases.


Whilst many common factors that contribute to the decline of testosterone as we age are within our control; we can’t neglect to consider the role of Genetics. 

Research shows that 40-60% of the variation in testosterone levels is attributable to genetics (1, 2). Whilst it is clear that genetic heritage plays a significant role, we know that genes aren’t necessarily our destiny.  

Lifestyle factors are certainly well within our control. And often when we make these positive lifestyle changes, they have a beneficial impact on modulating our genes too. 

So now we know why testosterone levels tend to decline as men age, how can we spot the signs? 

Why testosterone levels decline after 40

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

When testosterone levels dip below optimal levels, men may experience a variety of physical, emotional, and mental symptoms, including: 

  • Fatigue and reduced energy levels 
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength 
  • Increased body fat, especially around the abdomen 
  • Low libido or erectile dysfunction 
  • Depression, irritability, or mood swings 
  • Decreased cognitive function, such as memory problems or brain fog 
  • Poor sleep or insomnia 

None of these symptoms are particularly pleasant in and of themselves. But often multiple symptoms can be present at the same time which can have more of a negative impact on our quality of life. 

So, is there anything we can do to mitigate these risks? 

How to Combat Declining Testosterone Levels Naturally 

You will be relieved to hear that there are many natural strategies that can help combat this process and boost testosterone levels. To improve your testosterone levels, focus on these six main areas. Small improvements in each can boost testosterone levels significantly. 

Focus on Sleep

We know that quality sleep enhances natural testosterone production and that sleep deprivation can lead to significant drops in testosterone. So, establishing a good sleep routine and sleep hygiene are key. 

How to do this? Stick to a consistent waking and bedtime, aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep, avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before bed and create the optimal sleep environment by keeping your bedroom dark, quiet and cool. 

Optimize Nutrition

Good nutrition is your friend when it comes to maintaining and improving testosterone levels. 

Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods, healthy fats, and lean proteins is a rule to live by when it comes to hormones and overall health. 

Nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D are particularly important. Foods like eggs, lean meats, spinach, nuts, and fatty fish (like salmon) are excellent choices for maintaining optimal hormone levels. 

Include brassica vegetables like broccoli and kale for fibre and added nutrients too. 

Natural Supplements

Alongside a balanced diet, you might also want to consider natural supplements. 

Certain herbs and natural supplements may help boost testosterone levels. Ashwagandha, Tongkat Ali and Ginseng are only a few that are often used to support healthy testosterone production. 

Additional vitamins a minerals might also be helpful if you feel that you struggle to get all you need from your diet. But a balanced diet should always be your first port of call. 

But know that not all supplements are created equal. Finding good quality products that contain the right ingredients is key for optimal results. 

Consider Prime Male Enhance for performance or Prime Male T Vitamins for overall health. 

And it is always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating new supplements into your routine. 

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Incorporate Exercise into Your Routine

Regular exercise, particularly weight training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is shown to boost testosterone levels (3, 4). 

Resistance exercises, such as weightlifting, stimulate muscle growth and promote the release of testosterone. Focus on compound movements like squats and deadlifts. Even regular walking helps. 

But avoid Endurance training and be mindful of overtraining. More is not always better (5). 

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

This one is really a no brainer, but excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can both lower testosterone levels. Alcohol can disrupt the delicate workings of our endocrine system and reduce the body’s ability to produce testosterone, while smoking has been linked to lower levels of testosterone and can lead to poor overall health. 

Keep Stress in Check

As we know chronic stress elevates cortisol, which can suppress testosterone levels. 

Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking time for hobbies can help lower cortisol levels and improve overall hormonal health. 

Some herbal supplements such as ashwagandha have also been shown to support a healthy stress response. 

Why Testosterone Levels Decline After 40: Final Thoughts

A decline in testosterone levels after the age of 40 might be a natural part of the aging process, but getting older doesn’t have to negatively impact your quality of life. 

By adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, managing your stress levels, and getting adequate quality sleep, you can make a different and naturally combat the effects of low testosterone, maintaining your vitality and well-being as you age. 

And remember, if you’re concerned about your testosterone levels, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional to explore the best options for your individual needs. 


1. R. A. Hoekstra, M. Bartels and D. I. Boomsma (2006). Heritability of Testosterone Levels in 12-Year-Old Twins and Its Relation to Pubertal Development. Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 558 – 565. 

2. J. A. Harris, P. A. Vernon and D. I. Boomsma (1998). The Heritability of Testosterone: A Study of Dutch Adolescent Twins and Their Parents. Behavior Genetics, Volume 28, pp. 165-171. 

3. Ruba Riachy 1, K. McKinney, D. R. Tuvdendorj (2020). Various Factors May Modulate the Effect of Exercise on Testosterone Levels in Men. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 81. 

4. J. K. Yeo, S. I. Cho, S. G. Park, S. Jo, J. K. Ha, J. W. Lee, S. Y. Cho, M. G. Park (2018). Which Exercise Is Better for Increasing Serum Testosterone Levels in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction? The World Journal of Men’s Health, Volume 36, Issue 2, pp. 147-152. 

5. A. C. Hackney, E. Aggon (2018). Chronic Low Testosterone Levels in Endurance Trained Men: The Exercise- Hypogonadal Male Condition. Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 103. 

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