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July 2015

“I have been using Prime Male for a month now and I sure do feel my strength coming back when I’m in the gym, I really started feeling it after about 2 weeks of taking this product, not to mention, but my nights are lasting longer in the bedroom. I can’t wait to order my next bottle, very trustworthy.

Thanks Prime Male for bringing my youth back!”

October 2016

“Troy, USA ,Goals to gain strength to gain stamina and up my sex drive, let me start off by saying I used this product last year for about 5 or 6 months and in that time I did feel a great strength increase working out at the gym I also felt an increase in my endurance as cardio became easier and easier to me over this point in time I did cut down on about 20 pounds my stamina and sex drive we’re pretty much going out the roof as I was able to last much much longer, but I got to a point where I fell off from using prime male for a period of time and let me tell you I did feel a big difference from taking it and not taking it so as you would all know I did order another bottle and I have been using it for about over a month now and once again I’m in the gym I wrecking the weights cutting back on these unwanted pounds my confidence is back I am once again feeling young again so I would like to say that Prime Male is a great product and I do not know where I would be without it so from here on out I will make sure that I keep using this product , there any other testosterone products that I have used but, Prime male is ranked at number #1”

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