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Five Surprising Benefits of Omega 3

Unlike some popular supplements that are out there in 2025, omega 3 is something that almost everyone is likely to have heard of. This is because it is not only present in supplements, but also in many of the foods we eat, and manufacturers are more than willing to advertise the fact and use it to try and sell their product, as it is something that is seen to be great for your health. 

However, while most people will now feel that it probably is good for them, many will have very little idea of exactly what it does. As a result, there is a good chance you are simply relying on getting enough of it in your food to keep you generally healthy. While eating foods high in omega 3 is never a bad thing, it does leave a lot of potential on the table, as most won’t contain enough. 

That is why taking an omega-3 supplement is such a good idea. The only issue is, when you don’t know exactly what it is going to do for you, why would you go out of your way to spend money on it? Well, in the following article, we are going to show you 5 surprising benefits of omega 3, to try and help you understand a little bit more about both the product and why you should be using it. 

What Is Omega 3 & How Does It Work? 

Omega 3s are a type of healthy fatty acid that many clinical studies have shown are among the most beneficial nutrients for humans to consume. They come in three forms, which are ALAs (alpha-linolenic acid), EPAs (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHAs (docosahexaenoic acid). 

All 3 of these function in slightly different ways, but EPAs and DHAs are generally considered to be the most beneficial types for humans. Omega 3 fatty acids are present in many foods that people regularly eat in their diet, including oily fish, beans, nuts, pulses, seeds, and certain plants, such as seaweed, although the quantity present will vary wildly from source to source.  

The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids will be produced to varying degrees when you consume anywhere between 200 mg and 4,000 mg of them per day.  

That said, the optimal daily intake of omega 3s is thought to be between 1,000 mg and 1,600 mg a day, regardless of whether it comes from food, supplements, or a combination of the two. This is because, while daily intakes between 1,600 mg and 4,000 mg are deemed safe to use for the vast majority of people, they are unlikely to be any more useful than a daily intake of 1,600 mg. 

Five Surprising Benefits Of Omega 3 

Reduces Inflammation 

Easily the most popular and beneficial effect that taking omega 3 fatty acids can produce relates to inflammation. Studies have shown that taking omega 3s can alter the concentrations of certain compounds which are found in the blood, such as free radicals, c-reactive protein (CRP), and certain other biomarkers and anti-inflammatory molecules. 

This enables omega 3s to not only prevent the main causes of inflammation but also to repair any inflammation which has already occurred and even combat certain autoimmune diseases. This is all while also being very useful when it comes to lubricating the joints. 

One placebo-controlled study on 22 healthy men and women between the ages of 19 and 37 who were given a dose of omega-3 fatty acids every day found the number of anti-inflammatory molecules in their blood increased significantly in the 24 hours after they consumed it.  

Studies have shown that taking omega 3 fatty acids can relieve swollen and tender joints, boost their lubrication, mobility and flexibility, protect them from further damage, combat the pain and symptoms caused by arthritis (especially rheumatoid arthritis), and even help to promote the effective repair and stimulate the growth of new muscle fibres and connective tissues (1). 

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Promotes Brain Development 

The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids don’t just benefit the joints either, as they are also extremely useful for the brain as well. This, combined with the fact that omega 3s also help to inhibit the death of neuronal cells, make them extremely useful for improving the health, functions and performance of the human brain. 

Omega 3 fatty acids can help boost memory retention and recall, blood flow to the brain cells, mental clarity, focus, mood, and your ability to learn and prevent issues such as memory loss, mental fatigue, mild cognitive impairment and decline, and conditions like ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. 

While all 3 forms of omega 3s can be of great benefit to the brain, studies show that DHA is most effective at preventing mental decline, as it possesses potent neuroprotective properties, while EPA is by far the most useful when it comes to improving your cognitive performance (2). 

Improves Cardiovascular Health & Functions 

The brain is not the only major organ in the human body that omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for either, as numerous studies have conclusively proven that they can also offer many benefits for the health and functions of the heart as well. 

The primary reason that omega-3 fatty acids are so good for the heart is that they reduce the number of triglycerides present in your body through several different mechanisms. These triglycerides are a type of unhealthy fatty acid that travels through your blood and increases the risk of things like strokes, heart attacks, heart palpitations, and heart disease. 

Omega 3 fatty acids can also help to raise nitric oxide levels, particularly during exercise, which aids blood flow and can help to lower blood pressure, all of which is beneficial for heart health. Even the fact that omega 3s can help to reduce fat stores is beneficial for the heart, as the more weight your body has to carry, the more pressure is placed on the cardiovascular system. 

Many studies have shown that regular use of omega-3 fatty acids can help to greatly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, with one noting a 16% reduction in the risk of coronary artery disease. Other studies have then also shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help protect your heart by reducing cortisol levels and lowering inflammation as well (3). 

Stimulates Weight Loss 

One of the less talked about benefits of omega 3 fatty acids, yet one which would be one of its biggest selling points if it was more widely known, is its ability to help promote weight loss. It does this through three different mechanisms which combine to produce impressive results. 

Firstly, it reduces blood glucose levels and encourages the body to start using fat for fuel much earlier than it usually would, which enables you to start burning through your body fat stores quicker, particularly when it comes to the visceral fat that can surround the organs. 

Then there is the fact that they have mild appetite-suppressing capabilities. This means that people who are taking omega 3 fatty acids are less likely to cheat on their diet and ruin their weight loss plan. 

Finally, there is the fact that omega 3s can help to give you more energy and improve your exercise performance. This will enable you to train much harder, burn more calories, and build more muscle, all of which will lead to significantly accelerated weight loss (4). 

You put all of this together, and it makes taking omega 3 supplements a great way to reduce your body weight, BMI (body mass index) and body fat percentage naturally and effectively.  

Reduces Blood Sugar Levels 

The final benefit of omega 3 fatty acids that we are going to look at is one we touched on above, and that is their ability to lower a person’s blood sugar levels. While most supplements that produce this effect do so by changing the way that your body produces and reacts to the hormone insulin, omega 3s do it largely through a combination of the other benefits they offer. 

By streamlining how the body metabolises all the nutrients that it receives, it helps to prevent any spikes from occurring in the blood. This is then furthered by the appetite control it offers, as you are much less likely to consume too much sugar if your food intake as a whole goes down. 

A 2017 study on 54 patients who suffered from Type II Diabetes found that regular consumption of omega 3 fatty acids led to significant reductions in both their waist circumference and blood sugar levels when compared to the placebo group (5). 

While by no means an alternative to regular blood sugar control supplements or medications, it is still a nice selling point to add to a compound that already boasts countless others.

Check out 5 (more) surprising benefits of omega-3 here

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