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Ashwagandha and Testosterone

Ashwagandha is one of the fastest growing products in the fitness industry in 2025, due to the large number of health benefits that it is said to offer. However, while the range of benefits it can provide is diverse, perhaps none are thought of as fondly as its ability to boost testosterone. 

However, as a relatively new supplement in the western market, many people still have a very limited understanding of exactly how ashwagandha actually works. As a result, some people avoid using it, as they prefer to stick to using supplements which they know and understand. 

While this is understandable, it also means that many people will end up using far less effective supplements just due to a lack of knowledge on what the newer options do and how they work.  

With that in mind, we wanted to give people a little bit of insight into just how ashwagandha supplementation can enhance a person’s testosterone production and levels, to ensure that not being well enough informed does not stop you from hitting your health and fitness goals in 2025. 

What Is Ashwagandha? 

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herbal extract that is produced from the roots of an evergreen shrub known as by many names, including the winter cherry, withania somnifera, and Indian ginseng. Long used in ayurvedic medicine and many other forms of traditional medicine around the world, particularly in Asia, it is said to offer a great range of benefits for the human body. 

Its benefits include boosting energy and testosterone production and levels and your exercise performance, preventing or treating stress and anxiety, enhancing brain and heart health and functions, improving your mood and sleep cycle and quality, reducing inflammation and blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and combatting certain diseases, infections, and chronic health conditions, such as arthritis and depression. 

Taking ashwagandha supplements of any kind should enable you to enjoy most, if not all of these health benefits to some degree. That said, both the quality and quantity of ashwagandha extract that your chosen supplement contains will significantly affect just what level each of these benefits are actually produced to (1). 

Learn more about Ashwagandha and its surprising benefits here

What Is Testosterone? 

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It is found in both men and women, although it is present in far smaller quantities in women, and it is vital to help all human beings operate at an optimal level. The bulk of our testosterone is produced by the testes in men and the ovaries in women, while a small  quantity is also produced by the adrenal glands of both men and women. 

Testosterone plays a vital role in a wide variety of different functions in the human body. It is involved in everything from a person’s sexual drive, health and functions, protein synthesis, muscle growth, strength and maintenance, fat breakdown and storage, and bone mass and density, to their mood and energy levels (2). 

A person’s testosterone production and levels will both naturally start to fall with age, with both the amount they drop and the overall effect this drop has being far greater in men than women. 

Ashwagandha and Testosterone: How it Helps

Improves Luteinizing Hormone & Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Levels 

The most direct way in which ashwagandha supplements boost testosterone is by improving the body’s production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).  

Clinical trials have repeatedly proven that ashwagandha supplementation can enhance the production of both luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone.  

As even more studies have concluded that both of these hormones play a role in stimulating the production of testosterone, particularly in the testes, greatly boosting their levels by taking ashwagandha will directly enhance testosterone production and levels at the same time (3). 

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Reduces Stress 

Ashwagandha is well known for its ability to reduce stress, which will in turn lower cortisol levels. High levels of cortisol, which is commonly referred to as the stress hormone, can suppress testosterone production, causing testosterone levels to fall significantly.  

By reducing stress and cortisol levels through supplementation with ashwagandha, you will be able to help your body enjoy a better hormonal balance, which will indirectly support higher testosterone levels and production (4)(5). 

Learn more about Ashwagandha and stress here

Boosts Sleep Quality & Energy Levels 

Another of the most well-known and popular benefits of ashwagandha supplementation is its ability to improve a person’s sleep quality and cycle. 

As getting a poor quality of sleep has been proven to lead to lower testosterone production, the potential of ashwagandha to promote better sleep makes it a fantastic option to help people reach and maintain healthy testosterone levels (6)(7).  

Getting sufficient sleep is also vital for preventing fatigue and helping you enjoy far better energy levels. As fatigue is well known to have a negative effect on testosterone production, preventing you from becoming fatigued will help to combat a testosterone deficiency on its own as well (8). 

Increases Muscle Mass & Strength 

Some studies have suggested that ashwagandha supplementation can directly help to improve muscle mass and strength independently from its ability to stimulate testosterone production. 

As greater muscle mass correlates with increased testosterone levels, this could be especially useful for individuals who engage in regular resistance training or are looking to notably improve their physical performance, as the two appear to support each other in a circular loop (9). 

Enhances Your Overall Wellness 

Beyond its dedicated benefits, ashwagandha supplements are often also used to simply improve a person’s general vitality and health, which it does as a result of combining many of the benefits that we have discussed above, as well as a few others that we have not. 

As improved vitality and overall health and wellness have all been shown to help promote a far healthier hormonal environment, making sure that you are generally in good health has the ability to ensure that you can reach and maintain optimal testosterone levels as well (10)(11). 

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