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“Hello My name is Hosea and I am 48 years old. My issues were, low libido, decreased energy and my body fat was increasing. All of the issues associated with the signs of low testosterone.

I am a former BodyBuilder and I pay close attention to my body. Although I was a little skeptical about Prime Male it appeared to address all of my symptoms/ issues.

I began taking the recommended doses on 2/22/16. For the first 2.5 to 3 weeks I didn’t notice much. My diet was consistent as well as my time in the gym. At about the middle of the 3rd week I began to notice my stomach starting to show a six pack and the rest of my body starting to show more shape and muscle tone. My libido and energy levels have started to increase. I’ll be checking my Hormone balances with my Doctor in the near future.

I’m now in my 4th week and plan to continue using this supplement right into a future Masters Bodybuilding Contest.”

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