Ashwagandha And Sleep
Whether it be because of increases in stress associated with everyday life or the overuse of technology like smartphones, there has been a significant increase in people who have sleep ...
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Whether it be because of increases in stress associated with everyday life or the overuse of technology like smartphones, there has been a significant increase in people who have sleep ...
Last week we took a look at training frequency, specifically, how often a new gym goer should train each week. This week, we are taking a look at recovery, something ...
In last week's blog, we talked about whether new gym goers should use free weights instead of machines. In my opinion, both are excellent options, but brand-new gym goers may ...
Last week, we looked at ways in which you can improve your bench press performance. We focused on improving your range of motion and using the correct weight, as well ...
Last week, we looked at whether napping was beneficial for people. Turns out that if you exercise regularly and sleep well then napping can help, but if you suffer from ...
In last week's blog post, we took a look at warm-ups and whether they were under or overrated. In this week's post, I will be answering a question that I ...
Last week, I talked about whether it is a good idea to follow a bodybuilding routine if you are a regular gym goer. I believe that you can follow any ...
Last week, I wrote my first ” Ask a PT “ blog, and we discussed one simple trick to improve your diet overnight (literally). At the end of the email, I ...
I'm Matt, Prime Male's resident personal trainer. I've been in the industry since 2009, starting out as a lowly fitness instructor cleaning treadmills, then progressing to personal training and finally ...
We recently published an article that explored 5 surprising benefits of vitamin D. Given that vitamin D is an essential nutrient that we all require to function normally, ...
Vitamin D is a nutrient that virtually everyone will have heard of at some point, and most people will be aware that it is very beneficial for the human ...
Shilajit is one of the most popular supplements currently available in 2025, as it can offer an incredible range of benefits for human health. This includes everything from improved ...
Of all of the new natural supplements that are taking off in 2025, perhaps none are blowing up to quite the same extent as shilajit extract. While just a ...
We recently published an article which discussed some of the many health benefits that omega 3 fatty acids can offer and, given just how popular omega 3s are, ...
Unlike some popular supplements that are out there in 2025, omega 3 is something that almost everyone is likely to have heard of. This is because it is not ...
We recently published an article in which we examined 5 surprising benefits that people could enjoy by adding Tongkat ali supplementation to their daily routine. In that piece, ...
Tongkat ali is one of the hot topics in the supplement world so far in 2025. While its popularity has grown quite rapidly in the last few years, an ...
Ashwagandha is one of the fastest growing products in the fitness industry in 2025, due to the large number of health benefits that it is said to offer. However, ...
Depression is a mental health disorder that had gone largely unnoticed in society until trials in recent years determined just how detrimental it can be to a person’s health, ...
In the modern day and age, it seems like everyone is dealing with stress of some sort. While technology is intended to make our lives easier and more
We recently published an article detailing some of the surprising benefits of ashwagandha. In a turn of events that, given the current popularity of ashwagandha extract, perhaps should ...
By now, the vast majority of people who are interested in supplements will have either seen or heard about the benefits of ashwagandha, as it is easily one of ...
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining high energy levels seems imperative for tackling the demands of daily life. But more than just keeping up with day-to-day demands, maintaining good ...
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect opportunity to put some fire back into your love life. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just ...
Testosterone is often referred to as the ” male hormone, “ but both men and women produce it. When it comes to men, it plays a crucial ...
As we step into a new year, it’s the perfect time to prioritize our health and well-being. For men over 40, making well-thought out health and wellness resolutions ...
Testosterone levels in men are dropping at an alarming rate. According to recent research, the average testosterone level for men of all ages has declined by 1 to ...
In this article, we will be looking at 12 ways to increase testosterone levels naturally. We will also look at what testosterone is, why it is important, and ...
This article will discuss twelve of the best natural testosterone-boosting ingredients. Adding any of them can help to protect your testosterone production, allowing you to increase your energy ...
Nobody likes to have too much body fat, but many men struggle with chest fat. In this article, we will discuss how to burn chest fat, and what ...
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, it is responsible for the development of reproductive tissue, and can lead to increased muscle mass, bone density, and hair growth. ...
You can be doing everything perfectly. Exercising regularly, sleeping eight hours per night, and eating all the foods recommended to you. But if you are consuming these testosterone ...
Think testosterone is all about building muscle? Guess again. It turns out there might be more benefits to the male sex hormone than muscle size alone. According to ...
Time to revitalize? At this time of the year, it’s normal to reflect on the past year and wonder what you could work on to ...
Looking to maintain your vitality over the holidays? You’re in the right place. Maintaining a vitality-boosting diet this festive season may be easier said ...
Want to get ahead with your health goals and make a strong start to 2022? We’re not talking about January resolutions here. We want you to start now.
For most people, the thrill of thoughtless indulgence that Christmas Day brings is what motivates them through the unforgiving winter months. ‘Tis the season to be jolly ...
If you’re following guidelines and quarantining, you’re almost certainly spending more time at home. As health experts encourage the entire population to stay home and stay safe, ...
NFL players are the epitome of masculinity. They’re strong, powerful and mighty. As a man, of course you want to feel the same.
Testosterone is the fuel that drives a man's health. If you suspect Low-T may be your problem, we'll show you the top proven methods to restore low testosterone naturally. Is your ...
If the health and vigor of your youth seem a distant memory. And your energy and stamina remain elusive no matter what you've tried. Something hidden may be killing your ...
Want to know the best ways to boost testosterone naturally? In this article, we'll give you 13 top tips to boosting one of your most vital hormones naturally so you ...